Image: My body is a Museum by Mantala Nkoatse & Zivanai Matangi

In times of crisis we have to discover new coping mechanisms for dealing with change; and exploring different solutions to problems, can be difficult when facing the challenge alone. Through creative learning processes built on participation, collaboration and knowledge sharing, we can build a better understanding of ourselves in relation to others, while fostering new connections, relationships and communities. 

The recently established multi-functional arts space at The Orchards Project known as the Tipper Space, will be opening its doors to residents of the area with the aim of developing an annual programme of multi-disciplinary production and learning. 

Powered by the Trinity Session (a diverse team of artists, designers and curators) in collaboration with The Orchards Project Board and numerous active members of the neighborhood, THE ART CLINIC will launch its new production space in May, with a variety of events aimed at developing collaboration and a new and accessible programme of creative offerings, all under one roof. And through a series of curated walking tours and outdoor events, local residents, businesses and the public at large will be encouraged to celebrate and share their particular interest, talent and passion. 

THE ART CLINIC is situated at a vital intersection of urban transformation within the city, where history and heritage, meet old and new communities in a rich environmental context, yet at the same time, our sense of safety and security is increasingly threatened by social and economic decline. To this end THE ART CLINIC is equally concerned with and interested in primary knowledge and continued research in the role that (social, built, creative) design can contribute to the improvement of our city and special places such as Orchards and the surrounding neighborhoods.

Therefore, with your support and involvement, THE ART CLINIC is seeking out existing and new knowledge about the area which in turn will inform how its programme will unfold in 2020 and the coming years. Hence the build up towards the launch in May 2020, will involve conversations, interviews and workshops aimed at further identifying locally relevant themes and topics through participatory processes of exchange. 

In this sense we encourage interested and even the not so interested parties, the sceptics if you will – to visit our workshop space and get involved through hands on making and learning processes focused on outcomes of value to yourself and your community. Our initial set up can accommodate design thinking through problem solving workshops, printmaking as well as timber and steel fabrication. In addition, The Tipper building opens up onto Short Road Park and connects to Paterson Park, with a wealth of natural space for children and families, and in time, we aim to create a welcoming environment, serving as a new and alternative destination both beneficial and celebratory of the multilayered and dynamic community in the area.